This is the T-shirt quilt I just finished (my first completed project on my new machine!) I really gave the Viking a workout, too! Not only is this T-shirt material, it is also pieced and backed with flannel. It slipped a lot even though I basted it in place, and I had some trouble binding it as a result. I also made some mistakes with this first T-shirt effort that became a learning experience! But, overall, I think it turned out pretty good. It not only covers most of the T's and sweatshirts my daughter wore (a couple of them made by her grandmother) but I quilted it with remembrances from her childhood, like a viola, a pair of pointe shoes, her cat and dog, etc. There was no way I could try to free motion quilt these difficult designs because I was quilting the comforter with a stretchy stitch, so I did a LOT of turning! :-) But it was worth it. It's cozy and soft and warm....and really fun. Here are a few pictures:
The range of shirts goes from military campaigns (her Dad was in the Air Force) to ballet and school shirts, to a couple sent to her by her aunt who was modeling then. I realized too late I should have tried to cut them all at least two basic sizes....the puzzle effect of all the different sizes was hard to deal with. |
A close up of a exercise bear her grandmother did with fabric paints was one. Her summer program with Joffrey was another. |
I added the heart to a blank square. Her grandmother made the snowman. She was first chair viola at her school. |
A view of some of the quilting...this is the viola. |
And this is a pair of pointe shoes. Our daughter danced for 14 years. |