I belong to the Tucson Quilt Guild, which is a very large group of whom I only casually know a very few people, but the speakers are always amazing, and the show and tell awesome...and the guild does a LOT of quilting for charity and the community. I enjoy the meetings very much. My friend Paulette from church has been attending with me for well over a year, and now GayNell has also joined us. This month I was able to attend twice (they divide the group into a night meeting, and a day meeting to accommodate everyone) because we were selling raffle tickets for our quilt to help out the Robinsons with their son who has SMA. See post about that
HERE. The speaker was Rob Appell of Man Sewing! See his website
HERE. What a delightful presentation! He is high energy and entertaining, and has so much to share! I was so happy to discover that he is a Christian, whose journey from alcoholism is inspiring, and he too does a great deal of charity work, supporting causes to help the world's endangered species, and supporting returning combat veterans. His enormous Iwo Jima WWII Memorial inspired quilt will be auctioned off soon...the opening bid is $25,000! This one quilt will raise an enormous sum to help the families of these returning veterans. Awesome job, Rob!
One of his amazing ocean quilts! |
Two more gorgeous ocean quilts! |
One of Rob's quilt kits he sells to benefit organizations that help preserve endangered species! |
Another of his animal quilt kits! |
Here are a few items from Show & Tell....
A raffle quilt for "Quilts for a Cause," to benefit breast cancer research....The Guild also supports a Homeless Women's Shelter, and the Diamond Children's Hospital with "Quilting for Others."
And a quilt made by a Vermont Quilt Guild Member, which was sold and the proceeds were sent to women in Africa to help them start a business of bee-keeping. They got $2700. for the quilt! Our Guild was asked to participate in this project, and I made two of the flower squares that were cut down to hexagons for the quilt...Paulette made five, I think. I loved the pattern for the flower and saved it.
And finally, here is another item I made for the Children's Home (see our trip to the Home to take all the quilts and things to the kids on my main blog,
HERE) His corn and hat might make him hard to cuddle but I couldn't resist adding those elements. They can strip him back to just his overalls so he will make a good bed buddy....