We had a great Quilt Guild Meeting earlier this month, as usual. Our speaker was Gail Garber, a wonderful quilter, and one of the founders of Hawks Aloft, a raptor conservation group in New Mexico. She gave a great presentation, but most of what she showed us was on overhead projector, so I don't have a lot of photos.
Took this shot of the group (albeit the backs of half our heads, about half were behind us) mostly for a memory since I am leaving in a few months,. |
This was a quilt made by a group of her students, as a raffle to benefit Hawks Aloft. I bought five raffle tickets for the December drawing...wish me luck! |
Most of the quilts Gail makes are either geometrics or freeform with lots of flying geese like the one shown on the left. She also, however, has some more realistic themes like the Navajo maiden on the right. |
A week or so after the Guild Meeting I had to go into Cactus Quilts to get some template plastic, and saw this lovely quilt, so decided I would share it as well.
The template plastic is for my sunflower-bee ornaments, but I have also added a new item to the Etsy shop (to check out my shop, click on the
LINK), a sunflower-bee potholder.