OK, it's READY! Look at the sewing room transformation! I still want to put up a design wall, curtains, that sort of thing....but I am ready to get busy! YAYY!!!
The desk will make a good-sized sewing table until one day when I can replace it with a real one. I also need a new sewing machine. I am using the one my Mom gave to my daughter, temporarily. This also doubles as the guest room, and our grandson sleeps among the quilting things when he comes to stay over...
I have a TV for watching while I work (and our grandson likes having it there for cartoon-watching too) and the basket is an old one that holds some special family scissors and thimbles that belonged to my Aunt Annie years ago, and are treasures.
Lots of quilting magazines, but also my Birds & Blooms, Southern Living, and a collection of books and magazines for our grandson.

Speaking of treasures, this was my Grandmother's handmade wooden spool holder. She had to work all her life, and this spool holder was at the dry cleaners she owned with my step grandfather when I was growing up. She would do alterations for customers, and was an amazing seamstress. She also of course quilted when she could, though her time was very limited. She (her name was Dovie, like that gentle bird) and Papa Curt would get up before the sun rose, cook their lunch and supper as well as breakfast, pack up the lunch and refrigerate the supper and drive many miles to their shop. After a long day of work, they would deliver dry cleaning to some people from their car, and return home at dark, or after, to reheat their supper, bathe and fall into bed. It was a hard life! She also got what would now be considered COPD from the dry cleaning fluid, suffering with asthma and chronic bronchitis for many years. She was one of the most wonderful, sweetest people I have ever seen or known, with a gentle, caring heart, and I have always wanted to be just like her. This spool holder is one of my most prized possessions!

This is a much newer treasure...a very special gift from my daughter and son-in-law last Christmas! It was exactly what I needed!
And, several years ago I was given this very treasured quilt! This was a gift from my Mom who made it especially for me, and I love it dearly! (It is just for show....comes off the bed when our grandson is here!) :) Well, now that the sewing room is ready for me to get in there and get busy, I guess I better do just that!